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our services

Sanierung Held


In the construction industry, refurbishment is the structural and technical restoration or modernization of one or more floors or an entire building or several buildings in order to eliminate damage and/or increase the standard of living.

Gipser Held

Plasterer & Drywall

Plastering walls, ceilings and exterior facades of buildings. Plasterboard ceilings and partitions, decorating rooms with stucco.

Fassadengestaltung Held

facade design

Inspiring surfaces for facade insulation. The material and color of the facade determine the character of a building.

Beratung Held

Advice in the submission phase

Specialist services in the project preparation and submission phase

Verputzarbeiten Held

plastering work

It shapes the character and appearance of your house. It also protects the building fabric from climatic influences

Innere Held

Interior & exterior painting work

We bring color into your life. Comprehensive advice and top quality. Years of experience. Personal advice. Individual solutions. Professional competence.

Brandschutz Held

Fire protection & soundproofing

Noise protection refers to measures that reduce noise transmission from a noise source to a recipient.

Schimmelplits Held


Due to the increasingly dense construction, the problem of mold has increased significantly in recent years, we have the solution!

Abbrucharbeiten Held

demolition work

Demolition work requires thorough preparation and planning, from legal to static to technical requirements.

Graffitientfernung Held

Graffiti removal and protection

graffiti removal. We remove graffiti. Fast, efficient and gentle.

Akustik Held


Successful soundproofing for your room. One goal of acoustic engineering can be to reduce unwanted noise. Let us advise you

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